
Registration and renewal of national and international domains with over 100 attractive extensions, is faster than ever with our service – from idea to realisation is just a few minutes away. If you pay for the domain by card, registration is performed automatically and you can immediately put your domain to use.

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The names of domains may be character strings with a length of up to 60 characters, and more, including extensions (.rs, .com, .net, .org, .info, .expert, .me, .solutions, .photography, .company, .trade, .guru, .cool and others). The names use a group of symbols: letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and hyphen (-).  What all domains have in common is that their names cannot begin or end with a hyphen. Small and capital letters are totally equal ( or is the same).

Domain registration is performed online – after checking a domain, if it is available you can proceed with the registration procedure immediately.  There are certain rules and limitations concerning registration and it differs depending on the extension you choose – i.e. whether you wish registration of a national or international domain.

National domains

mCloud company is an authorised register of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry – RNIDS.

Although the name of the internet domain can have maximally 63 symbols, a name too long is not practical; it is difficult to remember and there is high probability that an error will occur entering that name. In practice, it is considered that the name of the Internet domain name should not have more than 20 characters.

  • The names of .RS domains may contain letters from the English alphabet (a-z), numbers (0-9), as well as a hyphen “-”. The name of a domain cannot begin with or end with the “-”, nor have two consecutive hyphens in the third and fourth position. Internet domain names can have at least two characters and a maximum of 63 characters.
  • The names of .СРБ  domains, aside from 30 letters of Serb Cyrillic  (a-š), may contain also numbers (0-9) and a hyphen (“-“).They must not contain a hyphen at the beginning or at the end, or two consecutive hyphens in the third and fourth position. The name  of .СРБ domain  may have at least two characters and contain up to 63 ASCII characters after ACE compatible conversion (see: IDN enkoder).

For the names .RS and .СРБ domains, registration is possible within the next five domain namespaces, depending on the legal status of users:

.RS.СРБfor all interested users whether they are physical or juristic persons, domestic or foreign
.CO.RS.ПР.СРБfor business users whether they are domestic or foreign physical or juristic persons and entrepreneurs
.ORG.RS.ОРГ.СРБfor business users non-profit organisations, whether they are domestic or foreign juristic persons
.EDU.RS.ОБР.СРБfor business users educational institutions and organisations, whether they are domestic or foreign juristic persons
.IN.RS.ОД.СРБfor physical persons, whether they are domestic or foreign.

There are two more domain namespaces for .RS and .СРБ domains, but they are not available for ordinary users. Namely, .AC.RS and .АК.СРБ are intended for academic and scientific-research networks in Serbia, and .GOV.RS and .УПР.СРБ for the Republic of Serbia state institutions.

Other important information:

International domains

International domain registration contains no restrictions in terms of legal status (whether you are a juristic or physical person), but is much harder to find a suitable available domain. Also, with new gTLD domains as of recently on offer (expert, .solutions, .photography, .company, .trade, .guru, .cool and others), there are certain categories known as “Premium domains” (mostly popular English language terms) for which new gTLD requires additional payment. Price of registration of such domain may be different comparing to the price shown on our site, or if a domain you want falls into this category it will be not automatically registered and you will not be charged, but we will subsequently contact you and inform you about the conditions of registration.

The number of characters in international domains can be up to 67 characters including the extension of the selected domain.