
ISPmanager is a commercial user-friendly web panel that is very similar in its functionality to the well-known cPanel. It is popular in Russia, and mCloud brings it to Serbia. It is very easy to use, and each operation can be completed in a few clicks. The lightweight user interface excels in the category of web-hosting panels, as each action is performed in just a few seconds.

Advantages of ISP manager panel

There are two versions of the license, Lite and Business – and the pre-installed server we have in our offer has the ISPmanager Lite version of the license.

The ISPmanager Lite license is ideal for VPS users with one or more websites. The main advantage of the ISP Manager Lite version is that it is a very small resource consumer (compared to cPanel) because it requires only 1 processor core, a minimum of 768 MB of RAM and 10 GB of hard disk space. Also, ISP Lite is more user-oriented in terms of maintaining one or more websites (unlimited number), while the Business version (which can be installed on request) is a more suitable solution for hosting companies because it allows working from one place for multiple servers with role assignment for servers (web server, database, mail server, etc.). The option to add CloudLinux modules and reseller options makes it more organization/administration based for users and their roles on the server.

ISPmanager Lite comes with rich and advanced settings for maintaining websites, organizing users and their domains, emails, databases, etc. Supports an unlimited number of users and domains.

The panel comes with many different integrations, such as Website Builder, Let’s Encrypt, antivirus, and more. It is also possible to create your own plugins for this control panel, according to the instructions, and using a public, well-organized API.

Web server settings using ISP Manager

The web server offers plugins of all kinds (Apache), and there is a multitude of settings / plugins for Nginx. Older and newer versions of PHP are supported, starting from 5.1 all the way up to 7.3. A very light panel that does literally all the work for you. The LAMP / LEMP server is already set up within the panel itself, so you only need to create your domain, which automatically creates the directory and configuration files from which your page will be read. All you must do is upload the content of the website to the server and it will immediately be ready for visitors.

Another great option ISP Manager has is that in a few clicks you can set up your own WordPress site, or any other CMS that comes in the panel. Whether it’s a Forum or a WordPress site, everything is installed quickly and easily.

The MySQL server comes pre-installed with the latest version of its package. Database upload is extremely easy through the user interface. ISP Manager is a control panel that also supports full customization of content, which will be displayed to the user. It also supports changing the look of the theme.

Mail server settings

The mail service in ISP Manager is used via Dovecot and Exim SMTP servers. With this 2 you can:

  • Create mail domains;
  • Configure mail domains;
  • Delete mail domains and
  • View and set up mailboxes, redirects, and send group emails.

All mail domains located in ISP Manager are virtual and do not take up disk space. Mails are stored in a special Maildir folder, and the delivery and size of the mailbox is regulated through Dovecot.

Mailboxes are organized to use both IMAP and POP3 protocols. The mailbox size is the allowed size on the hard disk that will be assigned to the user specifically for the mailbox. Through ISP Manager, it is also possible to configure protection against SPAM, white and blacklists, ClamAV antivirus, as well as mail sorting.

Database management system

ISPmanager provides everything you may need to organize databases. Through this section of the control panel you can:

  • Create and delete databases;
  • Create and delete MySQL and PostGRE users;
  • Set up remote access for a specific base;
  • Take over databases and “dump” them;
  • Add alternate versions of MySQL servers.

In the ISP Manager control panel, databases can be cached, reduce the resource consumption of the virtual server. With additional versions of MySQL servers, you can run older applications, and thus optimize them for newer versions, which are yet to come.


ISP Manager is an ideal commercial solution that provides you with many options that are almost identical to other commercial solutions, such as cPanel, but it is significantly cheaper (license price is 800 dinars with VAT included in the price of the server). You get the same, even better solution (in terms of resources), for organizing / hosting Web content.

The panel is fully optimized for hosting Web content on a VPS. Being very easy to use, tailored to the needs of the user, every operation is done in a few moments are just some of the many virtues that this control panel has. Also, you can use help through the “hints” option, which is automatically activated after a few seconds of inactivity, so you can’t go wrong. Tutorials for use are also available on the official ISP Manager website, so you can be sure of your decisions about what exactly you are doing on the server.oficijalnom sajtu ISP Managera su dostupni i tutorijali za korišćenje, tako da budete sigurni u svoje odluke šta tačno radite na server.

Server with ISP Manager Lite license

from 2.500,00 RSD/Monthly

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